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Durham Multiple Image Mug

Durham Multiple Image Mug. 10oz white ‘Durham’ style, photo printed mug. This mug is printed with a selection of Durham photographs, these include Durham Cathedral, Durham Castle, the Fulling Mill and the Riverbanks and Saddler Street.

This photo mug features the Fulling Mill and Cathedral photograph, of the Durham riverbanks along the River Wear. Durham Cathedral stands majestically above the trees. Below Durham Cathedral, is the Fulling Mill museum beside the wear, just poking through the trees. Nice bright summertime photograph of this iconic view, taken standing beside the ‘Pink House’ beside the wear. This summers day has a bright blue sky and attractive white fluffy clouds passing behind the towers of the Cathedral. The sunlight is catching the sides of the towers of Durham Cathedral and the tops of the trees along the banks of the River Wear. This stops the green tree leaves looking too dark and heavy in the middle of this photograph.

Cherry Tree Durham Cathedral, is a springtime photograph of Durham Castle and Cathedral, taken from Wharton Park. The late evening light, provide a warm pink colour to Durham Castle and Cathedral. This is complimented in the large pink and white cherry tree blossom, from the Cherry Tree below Durham Castle. Seeing the warm pink light from the setting sun, I knew this would provide a great photograph of the Castle and Cathedral. Seeing the cherry tree at Wharton Park in full blossom, brightens up what could have turned out to be a dark and dull part of the photograph. It is always amazing going back to a popular location, at a different time of year, that the view and conditions can be completely different.

Durham Cathedral Autumn Colours, a close up photograph of Durham Cathedral, taken from Wharton Park. The Autumnal colours of the tree leaves surrounding the Cathedral are lit up by the late afternoon sunlight. This provides a really bright, colourful base to this photograph. Part of Durham Castle is visible on the lefthand side of this photograph. This photograph of Durham Cathedral was taken in early November, late in the afternoon when the sun was starting to set. This warm sunlight has brought out the autumnal colours of the tree leaves enclosing the Cathedral and Castle. From this angel the afternoon sunlight strikes the back of the Cathedral and the main Cathedral towers and Galliee Chapel. The sunlight gives a warmth to the stonework, while the rest of the building has strong deep shadows.

Saddler Street, a photograph of Saddler Street in Durham City. Saddler Street, known historically as Saddlergate joins the market place from the south and is the main route for tourists heading up to Durham Cathedral and Durham Castle. Saddlergate was presumably the street where saddles were made and sold for horses but the lower part of the street which joins the market place was originally called ‘Fleshergate’ or ‘flesh hewer’. This was the street that contained the butcher’s shambles as ‘flesh hewer’ was an old name for a butcher. In days gone by the flesh hewers slaughtered their cattle in this narrow street – a very unhealthy practice. Saddler Street does not really begin until a little further up where it splits into two, either side of the Magdalen Steps. Up to this point the street should really be called Fleshergate. Saddler Street is in fact the street on the right hand side of the steps, while the street to the left leading to Elvet Bridge was known historically as Souter Peth. A souter was a shoemaker, so this street was the street of the cobblers.

Durham Cathedral Morning, a panoramic photograph of Durham Cathedral, taken standing on Palace Green. The sky is a deep, blue colour which gradates from a light blue behind the Cathedral to a darker blue at the top of the photograph. This photograph was taken at 6.30am in May, the rising sunlight is casting a long shadow from the buildings on the left hand side of the photograph, which are still in shadow, passed the sunlit face of Durham Cathedral, to the glowing front of the Palace Green Library building on the right hand side. The library is a part of Durham University. It is open to the public and hosts a range of exhibitions throughout the year and has a popular cafe. Durham Cathedral and the buildings around palace Green, including Durham Castle form the UNESCO World Heritage site. The angle of the sun, really brings out the amazing stonework of the Cathedral.

Durham Castle, a daytime photograph of the entrance way to Durham Castle. Durham Castle is jointly designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site with Durham Cathedral. The Castle is now part of Durham University, although you can visit the Castle and its museum. Construction of the Castle, began in 1072. 6 years after the Norman conquest of England and soon after the Normans reached the North of England. Walcher purchased the earldom of Northumbria and thus became the first of the Prince-Bishops of Durham, a title that was to remain until the 19th century, and was to give Durham a unique status in England. It was under Walcher that many of the Castle’s first buildings were constructed. As was typical of Norman castles, it consisted of a motte (mound) and an inner and outer bailey (fenced or walled area). Whether the motte and inner bailey were built first is unknown. In the 12th Century, Bishop Pudsey (Hugh de Puiset) built the Norman archway and the Galilee of the Cathedral. Other major alterations were made by Bishop Thomas Hatfield in the 1300s, including a rebuilding of the keep and enlargement of the keep mount

Durham Multiple Image Mug, has the ‘Ocra’ coating, this is dishwasher proof and microwave safe.

Mugs are posted in a polystyrene mug box for safe delivery.

Durham Multiple Image Mug, is one of our Durham photo mug range.



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